(For Lease, also available For Sale)

Escrow Provided: YES (by

Appraisal Websites Average Domain Value Estimate: $1,130-$3,900)

Valuable keywords in the name: YES

Easy Memory: YES

Marketing Campaign Retention: YES Great extension: YES (.org)

Lease Terms: $500/month, 3 months paid in advance, then $400/month starting month 4 with auto pay direct debt. Minimum contract agreement of FIVE years.

For Sale Direct Link: Buy Now Price



Unlock the Future of Healthcare with

1. Premium Domain Name:

  • Relevance & Authority: is a premium domain that instantly communicates authority and trust. The “.org” extension is highly regarded for non-profit, government, and educational organizations, enhancing credibility.
  • SEO Advantage: With “USA” and “Healthcare” in the domain, it naturally ranks well for related searches. This can drive substantial organic traffic and improve search engine rankings for healthcare-related content.

2. Brand Potential:

  • Strong Branding: The domain is easy to remember, type, and pronounce, which is crucial for branding and marketing. It’s a name that can stand out in the crowded healthcare sector.
  • Versatile Use: Whether you’re a healthcare provider, non-profit organization, policy think tank, or a healthcare startup, this domain offers versatile branding opportunities.

3. Established Online Presence:

  • Existing Traffic: If the website has existing traffic, it represents an immediate audience base. This can be leveraged to launch new services or initiatives.
  • Content Opportunities: The domain can host a wide range of content, from healthcare news and policy updates to educational resources and directories, making it a valuable asset for content marketing.

4. Competitive Edge:

  • Market Position: In the highly competitive healthcare sector, having a domain with national relevance and authority gives you a significant edge over competitors.
  • Instant Credibility: conveys a sense of trust and professionalism that can be instrumental in building partnerships and gaining user confidence.

5. Future Growth Potential:

  • Industry Expansion: The healthcare industry is continuously evolving, with increasing demand for information, services, and resources. is well-positioned to capitalize on future growth and trends.
  • Monetization Options: Beyond its use as a primary site, the domain offers opportunities for monetization through advertising, partnerships, or subscription-based content.

6. Investment Value:

  • High Demand: Premium domains like often appreciate in value over time. Investing in this domain now could result in a significant return on investment in the future.
  • Scarcity: High-quality, keyword-rich domains are limited in supply. Securing a domain like means acquiring a rare and valuable asset.

7. Easy Transition:

  • Seamless Transfer: The domain and website can be transferred smoothly with minimal disruption. Detailed instructions and support are available to ensure a hassle-free transition.

8. Enhanced Online Presence:

  • Professional Image: Owning enhances your online presence and can improve your reputation and visibility in the healthcare sector.
  • Engagement Opportunities: The domain can serve as a hub for community engagement, policy discussions, and resource sharing, fostering a strong online community.


Take the Next Step:

Investing in is not just acquiring a domain—it’s securing a pivotal asset that can drive your healthcare initiative or organization forward. Don’t miss this opportunity to establish a leading presence in the healthcare space.

For more information or to make an offer, please contact me today. Let’s make the cornerstone of your success!

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